Sunday, April 27, 2008

Moisture, moisture and more moisture

I love lotions. Mostly I love lotions that actually keep my skin soft. I slather lotion on myself after every shower. I got thinking (and reading) and started to realize 'what am I putting on my skin'. It is my largest organ after all. Pretty much I have been loading myself up with chemicals. I don't think that the chemicals in moisturizers are going to kill me, but why not be more careful about what I slather on myself every morning.

First of all, I'm not willing to compromise on my facial moisturizer - at least not yet. I'm one of those lucky 30 somethings who seem to have re-hit puberty and the moisturizer and soaps I have been using seem to keep break-outs at bay. (That is a story for another day.) The first product I decided to try was during this past winter, I bought it at Whole Foods. I figured that this was a good place to start.

I smelled a lot of products. I really am not into anything that smells like a college student. (No offense to college students). But I don't want to smell like I did in college, when I wore grungy clothes, ripped jeans and Birkenstocks. I want to smell like an adult who wears suits and pantyhose to work. I don't want to walk around in a waft of memories. SO, after smelling SEVERAL products I decided to try Alba Botanica Very Emollient Body Lotion, put out by Avalon Natural Products. It's okay. The smell is a little strong for my taste, but overall pleasant. It says that it is the maximum dry skin formula. I woke up with dry skin. Then again it was winter. I think it might be the summer version of maximum dry skin. (Did I say that I SLATHER moisturizer on in the winter.) Also, it's vegetarian. That's good to know. It has me a little worried about products that don't say they are vegetarian. That's for another day. Overall it says that it has alpha hydroxy and anti-oxidants. There are a lot of chemicals on the label - in fact just as many as on my other moisturizer. I feel a little healthier (and I'm thinking of college) using it, but I don't think I'll be buying it again before summertime.

They do have an unscented version, but I'm thinking I'm going to branch out and try some other products.

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