Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Quick update

I have made some decisions. I have decided to join the gym. The husband negotiated a good deal for me.

I also have an appointment with my doctor on Monday. She is good. I will no longer see doctors I don't want to just for the sake of it.

I also am going to try to do more with local bar associations because that is a great way to meet people and see old friends.

Also, I have a quick victory - I went to a great dinner tonight and it was a buffet. I had no drinks (partly because my pocketbook was so overloaded I didn't want to open it up and have it explode while looking for cash). I also had one serving at the buffet. The waitress told me I could go back up again but I said no, I'm all set. And that was that!

Better than nothing or a tour of exercise TV in 30 minutes

I'm feeling a little lazy this morning. I should have gone out of the house to exercise but instead I started Exercise TV and a Sparkpeople video at 7:18 and now it's 7:52 and I'm done. Here's what I did:

6 minutes of a Sparkpeople jumping around video. That is not the name, but that is what you do. It was good, but I kept having to strain to see my computer while jumping.

Then I did a walking video with Amy Sansone - but not the whole thing. I got discouraged and bored.

Then I did a little dancing.

Then I did some great abs. So about 20 minutes of cardio, and 10 minutes of abs. Not all bad.

My free week at the gym expired. I actually was disappointed (as today is Wednesday NOT Tuesday) when I thought about it last night. I thought "oh I can go to the gym". Nope. I need to join. Emailing the manager is one of the first things on my 'to do' list for today.