Sunday, June 15, 2008

Slacking and posting again.

I have been slagging in my posting. Leanna and Amy have both gotten back on the "blogging wagon" and I thought I would join in again as well. Amy actually wasn't off the wagon that long and Leanna has now made up for lost time! Stacey even has a whole new blog up and running! Check it out.

Ok. About me. I measured myself to see if that would make a difference. It did. I lost four inches in two days. Probably because of intense dehydration. Good news is that I don't have any internal growths or anything, and my thyroid appears normal. Also, the medicine that I swear is making me bloated is working and my ulcerative colitis is in complete and total remission - Red Peppers HERE I COME! (just kidding).

I have been exercising and back at the gym.

One thing I learned about myself this past week (when I was slacking a bit) is that I have to get up and exercise early otherwise I get too busy and don't get to it. I know I have learned this same lessons at least 50 times in the past. It's nice to have a reminder.

Is there such thing as exercise alzheimers?

I had a busy day going to the gym, going to brunch (I portioned controlled but lost willpower with the chocolate covered marshmallows!). Went to the mall. Went to my mom and stepdad's and played with my nephews (can you say bench press!) who are good to lift!

Now I'm tired.