Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stress, Hunger and Allergies

I'm feeling sort of bad that Spring is pissing me off. It is beautiful out, the flowers smell fantastic and my allergy medicine has not yet kicked in.

My friend Leanna swears by accupuncture for these sort of issues. One of these days I am going to go to accupuncture, I've even picked out a location, The Lane Center, it is convenient and highly recommended. For now I am waiting for the allergy drugs to kick in.

I haven't had allergies like this in years and years. I even hit up several clerks and probation officers for advil today in court, because I thought my head might explode (and this was indoors...very indoors...after zyrtec, some nose spray and a sudafed (the real kind)).

I digress. How does this relate to my state of eating? I tend to want to 'cure' headaches - and I have a few remedies: caffeine, water, food and advil. I also take whatever remedy is first available. Today, it was candy (small hard lemon ones) from the clerk. Then sudafed. Then advil. Then slowly I felt human again.

Then, the other thing is that I found myself stressing out a choice one of my clients has to make. I was taking on the client's stress. I realize this, and am working on it. I did not put myself in the situation that he did (and given the circumstances of the case, I can say with reasonable certainty, I never will).

So, I left court - after going from 8:45 to 1:15 with no food or drink. Needless to say I was hungry and exhausted. I met some people for lunch at a healthy eating place! I had a smoothie, and a brown rice wrap.

Then I found that I wanted some candy. I didn't have any. I did have a coke zero (still had a bit of a headache) and a a banana in the afternoon.

Then I went out and had margaritas and mexican with some other women defense attorneys. I stopped eating when I was full! Thanks Stacey for giving me some of the tools to be aware.

Oh and the cleaning lady asked me if I had lost weight (I haven't, but it was nice to hear).

Oh and the husband's efforts to quit smoking are going well. He is definitely going to gain weight. He is very very hungry. I don't care what he eats as long as he quits smoking - he's trying very hard and I am very proud of him! Now, for me to have some self control!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Acupuncture helped my allergies, too. I highly recommend it.

Also, people who give up one habit (whether it be smoking, eating, talking too much, working too much or whatever) typically replace it with something else, often creating a never ending cycle. The key is to figure out what the trigger is in the first place and manage that. I know, much easier said than done.