Sunday, May 11, 2008

The scale is not my friend

I'm fatter and heavier than I have ever been on my life. Don't worry, I'm NEVER going to post my weight, unless of course I lose it, and want to show off. (And. I am definitely NOT pregnant...and YES I am sure.)

I was at my mom's for Mother's Day. She has a scale. I stepped on it. It was higher than I have ever seen. I then took off my very cute jean jacket, it was lower, but still VERY high. I then had my husband get on it. He said it was correct.

So on the way home we were talking. I'm getting fatter and fatter. I've been dieting and gaining weight.

Husband: I don't think you have a thyroid problem or anything, but I think you have to exercise a lot if you are going to lose weight. Your metabolism is slowing down.

Me: I've been exercising more than ever.

Husband: You do not have the metabolism of your mom and sister. Sorry. (He said this very nicely.)

Me: I know. I never thought I did (getting a little snarky).

Husband: You've been walking for ages and it is probably just keeping you from ballooning out.

Me: I do not like to run.

Then we talked about options. For one, I have been getting up earlier so I could go to the gym and do some heavy duty cardio in the morning, but that is a pain. We also talked about getting an elliptical machine.

The thing is that I have been watching what I eat. I have been more active. I have gained. Nothing fits. I have even gained since starting the blog.


Anonymous said...

OK, this is me being honest -- just walking doesn't do it for me now that I am almost 30 and fat. A while back, I walked regularly and pretty far (several miles) and I felt good, but my body didn't change at *all*. I really have to get my h/r up and do hard cardio and light weights to see physical results. I am also not a runner, so for me - the elliptical at high speed seems to work...

Jess said...

I know. Even walking a lot. I go back and forth on this. I have to start walking and then am going to up it to more cardio.

Stacey said...

Add strength training, I promise you'll see a big difference. Back in the day I was running 8 miles a day,5 days a week, but when I added weights the excess fat came off faster and I became leaner. Weights make a huge difference and there are reasons why, which I'm happy to share in conversation. Keep up the great work!

laine said...

I didn't start seeing results either until I realized that I couldn't count the walks with my dog as exercise. It took fast walking 45-60 minutes, lots of ab work, and getting back into my regular routine of strength training that my body really started changing.