Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Facing reality and finding balance

Here's the thing. I'm fat. Not super obese. But overweight. I have little bones. I used to be a comfortable size 4. I had a little 'blubber' but mostly I looked cute. (size 0 was too small)

I'm uncomfortable that I'm fat. But I am not unhappy with myself. This might be the first day that I realized - I do not like being fat, but it does not make me unhappy, a bad person or a bad anything. I'm still cute and fun and smart.

I had a bit of a realization when trying on clothes at one of my very favorite stores Lyn Evans for Potpourri Designs. The site is broken but hopefully it will be up soon. Anyway, I tried on a bunch of clothes and many of them were too small. It was eye opening to see that I am at the high end of 'regular sizes'.

So then, on my way home, I was chatting with my friend, who is really in a groove and succeeding at getting fit, Leanna, was walking. It was 9 p.m. I thought it was too late. She said "says who?" Good question. I went for a twenty minute walk/run around my neighborhood. Better than nothing.

I think I am revamping my goals and for now I am going to keep with the minute goals...but make sure that I do ten minutes of at least brisk walking every day.

I'm also going to measure and weigh myself so I can keep track of my stats.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Can't wait to hear how it went last night.

Good for you for walking. Leanna was right with her's all about the choices we make and shifting our beliefs. The 6 in me, however, says, be careful walking alone at night! :-)