Monday, April 28, 2008

I made it to lunch

I ate lunch, sort of late. I had some of those beets - and I am positive that when I walk tonight, I will sweat magenta.

I decided to enter my food into Sparkpeople, because I'm copying my friend the lover of beets. This is for informational purposes only - not to get crazy about counting calories.

I had leftovers for lunch - the pasta with artichokes, olives, feta and sun dried tomatoes. I'm thinking about food again, but that's probably because the husband is going to be home tonight, and normally he is at class tonight so. . .that throws a wrench in my plans for dinner.

Now to think of something that the husband will eat. Or else call the husband and send him to the supermarket to get something he would eat. I was going to do something with brocolli rabe. Brocolli rabe is not a food that the husband eats.

Poor husband, does not have any idea how yummy it is! He just sees all that green and gets nervous.

1 comment:

laine said...

That just means more broccoli rabe for you! Yum!f