Monday, April 28, 2008

3:55 is the witching hour

I'm hungry again. Or maybe I'm bored. The weather is nasty out and I am trying to figure out what to do for some activity tonight.

Mostly, I'm trying to blog when I get hungry to see if there is another answer -- i.e. -- boredom, and to track my progress.

This post is probably boring for everyone else, and you are all thinking. Is she always hungry? The answer is no, but 78% of the time I am.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Or maybe you're thirsty? How much water have you had today? Sometimes (not always) hunger pains can actually be dehydration. So when you're hungry try drinking a glass of water.

Also consider that if you've increased your exercise (calorie expenditure) your body will need to adjust and potentially need more (healthy) calories.

Just a thought - I'm not bored by your story - I think it's great that you're using the blog as a tool to track boredom/hunger!