Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blogging and Accountability

I was thinking this morning. I am lazy. I am totally off track. I'm not lazy in the sense that I sit around all day eating bons bons, drinking wine and being slovenly. I'm lazy in that I haven't taken the time to plan out my schedule so that I actually exercise and eat right.

I checked out Amy's blog, and she reminded me of the commitment we made awhile ago - and how successful it made us in our journey to get healthy. With the help of Stacey, Amy, BBM and I were communicating our goals. I've been slacking in making time for myself.

So today, I went for a good long walk. I'm not exactly sure how long but I am pretty sure it was at least 3 miles.

This is what I need to do for the week:

1. go food shopping

2. get up earlier

3. go to the gym

4. get organized with my time

Sounds easy! HA!

How about this for weird. I have been not a great exerciser - and I lost ten lbs. Nice one. I think it's all about my crazy water retention. Hopefully I will have some answers soon!

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