Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday and El Sarape

Last night the husband and I went with his parents to our favorite restaurant, El Sarape, in Weymouth Landing (but the restaurant is actually in Braintree). It is not a healthy eating sort of place. It is however, delicious!

I had some margaritas (they make the best!). I also made a relatively healthy choice (well at least a portion controlled one) and got a combination dinner that had two enchiladas. I knew I would eat everything on the plate and didn't want to be stuffed. I wasn't stuffed!

I did not make it to the gym yesterday to start my free membership, instead the husband and I played golf. I am getting a little better! It was way too nice of a day to be inside.

Today I am thinking about doing the free membership for a week thing and seeing how it goes, as they have some good weight training classes and some good machines. I find that doing strength training at home has not been going very well. Although, it's only the beginning!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jess. Thanks very much for dropping by to say "hi" on my brand new blog. I have now added your blog to my 'Favourites' so I will try to keep up with your progress as well.

Many thanks,

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the golf - Kirk really wants me to start playing so we can play together...I am going to try!

You are doing GREAT, Jess, I am proud of you!