Friday, May 9, 2008

Eating out with a new non-smoker

The husband called me when he was on his way home from work. He wanted to go out to dinner. Then he got it in his head that he wanted Chili's. I really am not a huge fan of Chili's...and thought it would pose something of a healthy eating challenge.

I also knew that with the rain it was unlikely I would get my ten minutes of exercise in (and I really had no interest of walking in the rain).

I did okay. Not fantastic. Even after I tried on my jeans and they didn't really fit. I couldn't find my favorite jeans. All clothes are tight and I feel bloated.

This did not stop me from eating a couple (three) nachos. I also had a margarita. Sooner or later I will have to find out how many calories are in a margarita...but not today.

Choosing healthy food at Chili's is HARD! I ended up having the mushroom-swiss burger but with a black bean veggie burger. I had no idea it came with mayo - so I tried to scrape it off. I got broccoli instead of fries. So overall. Not terrible. Not great and I'm still feeling fat.

1 comment:

laine said...

Chili's has their nutritional information online. But no margarita info.